We are born to save the
rights of children provided by "UN CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD"
Children are the assets of the society not just the family today
we all know what is the conditions of this great wealth , we will
not talk about the problems here , now we have to go to the
society for the solution.
We are a non-political organization formed by the joint efforts of
various funding agencies & corporate of the world and India we all
collectively believe that .
We do not just look at the government and their schemes for the
development and well-being of the children, we also bring the
community forward. yes, it is definitely that we expect political & policy
with administration support from the government for the development
of children.
UNECHILD working for the Health, Nutrition and education of
children(0-12 years),we are now going to work together with our
partner organization in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan ,
Bihar & Haryana.
The focus of our program is on all school going children which mainly
includes AGANWADIS & PRIMARY SCHOOL. Apart from this, we
also keep the focus of the program on pregnant mother & locating